Friday, April 27, 2012

Quinn's First Gift

      Today when I got the mail I was surprised to find a package waiting for me! It was from a friend who is also expecting in July and inside was the cutest onsie ever! I just had to share it, so here it is.

When I showed daddy he loved it just as much as I do. With a pair of little camo pants and some boots of his own Quinn will look just adorable!

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 29 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 29 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? A few coming off my belly button piercing :(
Best moment this week: We sent out our baby shower invites
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Being able to bend over without being in pain
Movement: Of course
Food cravings: Mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not besides Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs, and tightness in my belly
Belly Button in or out? It's out now
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band is on during the days
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Quinn's dresser being finished 
Baby buys: a birthing ball for while I am in labor

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Birthing Classes, Birth Place Tours, & More

   I can not wait until our little guy is finally here! Some days it feels like the time has really flow by during this pregnancy. I am sure that the past few weeks have been so busy haven't hurt anything.
            Last Tuesday I did my GD test which was awful! I had to drink this ultra-sweet, syrupy, warm, red fruit punch flavored drink then wait in the lab for an hour so they could draw blood. In the mean time I wasn't allowed to use the restroom, or eat so by the time I left I was dying. The results came back good, which means that I do not have to take a 3 hour extended test, and I don't have gestational diabetes! Then on Thursday I went in for my Rogham shot since my blood type is negative and daddies is positive. Thursday night I went to labor and delivery because I was having a lot of pain in my ribs, and contracting quite a bit. They did an ultrasound to check my fluid levels, and check my cervix, which are all great. We were able to see our little man, who at the moment in breached. This is no big deal since he will most likely flip several times before he is born.  
             When I talked to my OB today he said he doesn't want me to go much past 40 weeks because of how small I am and my desire to deliver vaginally as well as naturally. Plus with my dislocated ribs, he says he doesn't want me to have to have more then the one dislocated. This means we have between 54 and 77 days until Quinn is here. We also went over my birth plan, and he is 100% on board with all of our wishes which makes me feel 100 times better about the labor process and giving birth!
            We are learning a lot in our birthing classes that will be very helpful during labor. All of the breathing and massage exercises are things I plan on using. We even plan to buy a birthing ball this week so we have our own. I can't quite wrap my mind around the thought of using a ball that tons of other women have used, but that's just me.
          We also were able to take our birth place tour this past week and see the Labor & Delivery unit of the hospital. The rooms are about what I expected, and the only thing I wish they had is a laboring tub, but they do have huge showers to labor in which we will make due with.
        All of this combined is making my ever approaching due date feel so real! Madison can't wait to be a big sister. I hope that stays the same once little guy is here. Keeps your fingers crossed that we all adjust well.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 28 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Almost 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none
Best moment this week: We started our birthing classes
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Walking up stairs and not being breathless
Movement: Tons, and not all in comfortable places
Food cravings: Fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are still continuing but no real labor.
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs
Belly Button in or out? It's starting to poke out
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but very emotional
Looking forward to: Our hospital tour later this week
Baby buys: a Swaddle Me blanket

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: I am up 25 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none :)
Best moment this week:  Set a date for our baby shower
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning still
Missing Anything? Being able to bend over without it hurting
Movement: More then I would like at this point.
Food cravings: Popsicles
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks  have started, but no real labor signs
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, extreme pain in ribs
Belly Button in or out? It's flat
Wedding rings on or off? Only my wedding band.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: The baby shower
Baby buys: we are refurbishing a antique dresser for little guy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

        It is hard to believe that by next Easter my baby will be 9 months old! For this year though, I enjoyed having him growing safely inside. Well, besides the heartburn that chocolate seems to be giving me these days.
       Big sissy had tons of fun. When she first woke up she was so excited that the Easter bunny had brought her a basket and had hidden eggies for her to find. Next we went to Grandma & Grandpa's church then back to grandma's house where we ate and mommy & daddy tackled our next big baby project. What is that you ask? We are refinishing an antique dresser that we plan on using for the kids. We worked on it most of the afternoon and got the sanding and paint stripping almost done. I promise to post before and after pictures once we are completely finished!
     I hope everyone elses Easter was as wonderful as ours!
 Checking out her Easter basket.

 Looking for eggs.

All ready for church.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 26 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? None
Best moment this week: Today is my b-day.
Sleep: Pretty good once I actually fall asleep
Missing Anything? Never having to take off my wedding ring. I have to do this before bed every night now or I wake up with no circulation to my finger.
Movement: Lots! I have been trying to catch it on video with no luck.
Food cravings: Breakfast food
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn is really bad some days, back pain
Belly Button in or out? It's still flat
Wedding rings on or off? Still on except for when I sleep.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Being in the 3rd trimester as of Sunday
Baby buys: Didn't buy anything baby related this week.