Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 37 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 44 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Yes.
Best moment this week: Finding out I am dilating and effaced! Yea!
Sleep: It's been pretty good. Hubby is out of town so I have the bed to myself.
Missing Anything? Being able to work
Movement: Some. Lots of hiccups
Food cravings: Ice
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have been super queasy, but not from any certain food or anything.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs:Contractions are getting intense especially at night, loss of mucus plug, 2cm and 80%
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs, and contractions
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Both are off now
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but tired of being pregnant
Looking forward to: Daddy being back in town
Baby buys: We have everything we need now!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekly Update

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain: 43 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Yes. Sadly I am now covered in them.
Best moment this week: I now get to go for weekly appointments
Sleep: Super restless
Missing Anything? Being able to work out
Movement: Lots
Food cravings: Ice
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks, loss of mucus plug, 2cm and 70%
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs, and contractions
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Both are off now
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but tired of being pregnant
Looking forward to: Being full term at week 37 
Baby buys: A+A blankets, paci clips, & wipes

20 vs 36 weeks. I thought I was big then. LOL!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


    Here is Quinn's side of his and Madison' s shared room. For the first few months he will room in with us, but eventually this is where our little man will sleep. What an exciting thought!

Quinn's bed

changing table/ dresser

      We have also been doing some projects to get ready for the kids. We took a vintage dresser and refinished it planning to use the top as a changing table. It took a lot of work, but was well worth it in the end. Also, I did some wall art with each kid's name and ultrasound picture. They are one of my favorite projects so far!

before and after of the dresser 

 Kid's name wall art

     It feels so good to get the nesting urge to finish the bed room out of my system. Yet on the other hand I miss having things to do. I guess pregnant women just can't win when it comes to nesting!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Beach Day

     Since Madison went to the grandparent's house for the week mommy & daddy decided to go to the beach with friends for Memorial Day. It was a great day for it, and it was nice to be able to enjoy the water without a toddler. My feet got pretty swollen and I got my first real Braxton Hicks from walking around so much on the boardwalk. This made the water even more appealing though! I am glad I got to spend a day with my hubby and our friends before little guy gets here.
     The only bad thing is I am now a lobster. The sunburn hurts so bad I can't even lay down in bed. Apparently SPF 50 every 2 hours isn't enough when you are pregnant.

soaking up the sun!

our little guys name

 mommy & daddy  (33 weeks 6 days)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Baby Shower

        Today was our baby shower and it was awesome! It felt so good to be surrounded by friends and family who are just as excited to meet Quinn as we are.
       We had a more laid back, co-ed BBQ instead of the normal girls only fancy affair. Everybody had a really good time. The theme was baby jungle animals, since that is what Quinn's room is going to be.
      We are so grateful for all the generous gifts we got! Even though I am dreading writing out thank you notes. We got our monitor, gift cards, bath items, diapers & wipes, Tommy's diaper bag, blankets, clothes, and more.
     The only "problem" with our shower being over is now the next thing I have to look forward to is Quinn's delivery. I hope the next 7 weeks fly by!


opening gifts

just some of the gifts we got (from Grandma and Grandpa)

  Some of our guests

Mommy & Daddy
 Maddie practising being a big sister

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our 1st Anniversary

       One year ago to the day my hubby and I were getting ready to say our "I do's". So, to celebrate we went back to the place we got married (The Gramercy Mansion) and walked around for a bit in their gardens. For every couple who has gotten married there they place an engraved brick along the walkways with the couple's names and wedding date, which I wanted to see. We then went out to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, which is Tom's favorite resteraunt, and got a cheesecake since that is what we had in place of traditional cake at our wedding. The weather was beautiful, unlike the rain we experienced on our weedding day, but rain or shine our wedding was amazing! I told my hubby tonight that in a few years we will need to bring Quinn to Gramercy so he can see where mommy and daddy got married.
Our brick at Gramercy Mansion

Me (32 weeks pregnant) on our 1st wedding anniversary.

Tommy & I on our anniversary at Gramercy.

Our wedding day 5/17/2011

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 31 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 32 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? A few. Mostly on my thighs.
Best moment this week: Finished thedresser for the kids room
Sleep: I miss getting a good nights sleep!
Missing Anything? Working out
Movement: All the time it seems 
Food cravings: Italian food
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn, rib pain, and swollen fingers and feet mostly
Belly Button in or out? All the way out
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band is on
Happy or Moody most of the time: It depends on the day
Looking forward to: Mothers Day
Baby buys: Hubby got me a glider for Mother's Day

Friday, April 27, 2012

Quinn's First Gift

      Today when I got the mail I was surprised to find a package waiting for me! It was from a friend who is also expecting in July and inside was the cutest onsie ever! I just had to share it, so here it is.

When I showed daddy he loved it just as much as I do. With a pair of little camo pants and some boots of his own Quinn will look just adorable!

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 29 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 29 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? A few coming off my belly button piercing :(
Best moment this week: We sent out our baby shower invites
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Being able to bend over without being in pain
Movement: Of course
Food cravings: Mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not besides Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs, and tightness in my belly
Belly Button in or out? It's out now
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band is on during the days
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Quinn's dresser being finished 
Baby buys: a birthing ball for while I am in labor

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Birthing Classes, Birth Place Tours, & More

   I can not wait until our little guy is finally here! Some days it feels like the time has really flow by during this pregnancy. I am sure that the past few weeks have been so busy haven't hurt anything.
            Last Tuesday I did my GD test which was awful! I had to drink this ultra-sweet, syrupy, warm, red fruit punch flavored drink then wait in the lab for an hour so they could draw blood. In the mean time I wasn't allowed to use the restroom, or eat so by the time I left I was dying. The results came back good, which means that I do not have to take a 3 hour extended test, and I don't have gestational diabetes! Then on Thursday I went in for my Rogham shot since my blood type is negative and daddies is positive. Thursday night I went to labor and delivery because I was having a lot of pain in my ribs, and contracting quite a bit. They did an ultrasound to check my fluid levels, and check my cervix, which are all great. We were able to see our little man, who at the moment in breached. This is no big deal since he will most likely flip several times before he is born.  
             When I talked to my OB today he said he doesn't want me to go much past 40 weeks because of how small I am and my desire to deliver vaginally as well as naturally. Plus with my dislocated ribs, he says he doesn't want me to have to have more then the one dislocated. This means we have between 54 and 77 days until Quinn is here. We also went over my birth plan, and he is 100% on board with all of our wishes which makes me feel 100 times better about the labor process and giving birth!
            We are learning a lot in our birthing classes that will be very helpful during labor. All of the breathing and massage exercises are things I plan on using. We even plan to buy a birthing ball this week so we have our own. I can't quite wrap my mind around the thought of using a ball that tons of other women have used, but that's just me.
          We also were able to take our birth place tour this past week and see the Labor & Delivery unit of the hospital. The rooms are about what I expected, and the only thing I wish they had is a laboring tub, but they do have huge showers to labor in which we will make due with.
        All of this combined is making my ever approaching due date feel so real! Madison can't wait to be a big sister. I hope that stays the same once little guy is here. Keeps your fingers crossed that we all adjust well.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 28 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Almost 27 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none
Best moment this week: We started our birthing classes
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Walking up stairs and not being breathless
Movement: Tons, and not all in comfortable places
Food cravings: Fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks are still continuing but no real labor.
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, pain in the ribs
Belly Button in or out? It's starting to poke out
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but very emotional
Looking forward to: Our hospital tour later this week
Baby buys: a Swaddle Me blanket

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: I am up 25 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none :)
Best moment this week:  Set a date for our baby shower
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning still
Missing Anything? Being able to bend over without it hurting
Movement: More then I would like at this point.
Food cravings: Popsicles
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks  have started, but no real labor signs
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet, extreme pain in ribs
Belly Button in or out? It's flat
Wedding rings on or off? Only my wedding band.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: The baby shower
Baby buys: we are refurbishing a antique dresser for little guy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

        It is hard to believe that by next Easter my baby will be 9 months old! For this year though, I enjoyed having him growing safely inside. Well, besides the heartburn that chocolate seems to be giving me these days.
       Big sissy had tons of fun. When she first woke up she was so excited that the Easter bunny had brought her a basket and had hidden eggies for her to find. Next we went to Grandma & Grandpa's church then back to grandma's house where we ate and mommy & daddy tackled our next big baby project. What is that you ask? We are refinishing an antique dresser that we plan on using for the kids. We worked on it most of the afternoon and got the sanding and paint stripping almost done. I promise to post before and after pictures once we are completely finished!
     I hope everyone elses Easter was as wonderful as ours!
 Checking out her Easter basket.

 Looking for eggs.

All ready for church.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 26 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? None
Best moment this week: Today is my b-day.
Sleep: Pretty good once I actually fall asleep
Missing Anything? Never having to take off my wedding ring. I have to do this before bed every night now or I wake up with no circulation to my finger.
Movement: Lots! I have been trying to catch it on video with no luck.
Food cravings: Breakfast food
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn is really bad some days, back pain
Belly Button in or out? It's still flat
Wedding rings on or off? Still on except for when I sleep.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Being in the 3rd trimester as of Sunday
Baby buys: Didn't buy anything baby related this week.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 25 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: I'm not sure
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none :)
Best moment this week: Booked our Babymoon for May.
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Not being swollen at the end of the day
Movement: Oh yes!
Food cravings: Carbs
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of garlic
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen fingers and feet
Belly Button in or out? It's flat
Wedding rings on or off? Still on except for when I sleep. Although, today my engagement ring almost didn't go on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Spring break next week.
Baby buys: got a Moby wrap and some onsies for little guy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm not even sure anymore
Maternity clothes?
Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Still none
Best moment this week: Only 100 days till maternity leave starts.
Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Tying my own shoes
Movement: Yes!
Food cravings: Italian water ice
Anything making you queasy or sick: Red meat
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn, soar back, swollen fingers
Belly Button in or out? It's flat
Wedding rings on or off? Still on except for when I sleep
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Spring break from school.

(Excuse the bad picture. It was taken at work since the hubby didn't take one this week.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


         Yeah for V-day (viability)! This is pretty much the biggest milestone during the second trimester. It is when your baby has a good chance of making it outside of the womb if they happened to be born. You reach it at week 24 of your pregnancy and I honestly can't believe that I am there. Quinn will be here before we know it. Only 16 weeks to go!
           On another note, here is the picture that the baby morpher app I tried came up with. It's honestly not a bad looking kid, and I can see the parts of Tommy & myself that it pulled out. I am interested to see if our baby will look anything like this.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity clothes?
Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? Nope. Thank god and my mom for good genes
Best moment this week: People not having to wonder if I'm pregnant or not. It's obvious!
Sleep: Has been a little better this week
Missing Anything? My pre-pregnancy boobs.
Movement: Yes!
Food cravings: Burger King
Anything making you queasy or sick: Steak
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn
Belly Button in or out? Getting more and more shallow
Wedding rings on or off? Still on except for when I sleep
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Our baby shower. We have begun planning and making the invitations.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Mommy Splurge!

         Yesterday I was faced with a huge debate within myself! To buy or not to buy. I had every intent on getting a Vera Bradley diaper bag, which was on sale online for $90. I was happy at the thought of this bag, until my hubby wanted to go mall hopping yesterday (this NEVER happens).
          At the last mall we went to there was a Coach outlet. Can you all see where this is going? I decided I would go in and just look around. I wasn't even considering buying anything, until I saw the most awesome diaper bag ever! It was marked down to $170 instead of the $495 it is in the regular Coach store. My hubby was telling me to get it (since he had just bough sun glasses at the Oakley store) but I was still having a tough time. So, we left and got lunch. All during lunch all I could think about was that bag. I even cut up how much it cost a week if I carried it for 3 years trying to justify it in my head.
      Finally my husband told me, its your money so you have to decide, but I would get it for you. That did it. I ran back to get the bag. An elderly gentleman was looking at the last one so I politely told him it was a diaper bag to which he replied "Oh, our kids are 32 and 46, I just thought it was a really big purse. Here you go." This made me laugh. So I walked away with my beloved diaper bag, promising my hubby that I won't go in a Coach store for at least another year since it seems that every time I do I wind up getting something.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weekly Checkin

I know this is late but better late then never. Here is week 22's check-in.

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.
Maternity clothes?
Pants: 100%   Tops: Some, but some of my regular tops are still fitting.
Stretch marks? Still nothing new, thank god!
Best moment this week: They finally told me I am anemic, which is the reason why I felt the way I have for so long. Since they gave me supplements I feel so much better!
Sleep: Hasn't been great. Lots of tossing and turning
Missing Anything? Margaritas and my winter jacket fitting
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Chips & dip
Anything making you queasy or sick: Steak
Gender: Still a boy
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, heartburn
Belly Button in or out? Getting more and more shallow
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: OB appointment next week

Monday, March 5, 2012

What To Wear?

      In the past few weeks my bump has been growing, and my wardrobe has been shrinking. This has brought me into a "what do I wear" predicament more then once. So, over the weekend I started looking for cute clothes that would work with my growing bump. This search lead me to American Eagle where I found quite a few skirts with extra stretchy elastic waists. I also stocked up on solid colored tee shirts from Old Navy. Now I can't wait for warm weather so that I can stop wearing maternity pants, which I don't find comfortable at all, and start wearing my skirts. Only 125 days left until little guy's due date. It's coming so quick!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

21 week check-in

How far along? 21 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12 lbs.
Maternity clothes?
Pants: 100%   Tops: Some, but some of my regular tops are still fitting
Stretch marks? No, thank god
Best moment this week: Feeling regular, daily kicks
Sleep: Has been ok. I have been having some crazy dreams!
Missing Anything? Margaritas. Especially when we go out for Mexican.
Movement: Yes. It's the best feeling ever!
Food cravings: Drumstick ice cream cones
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I ate too many jelly beans at once
Gender: It's a boy!
Labor Signs: Just a few Braxton Hicks here and there
Symptoms: Fatigue, soar back, heartburn
Belly Button in or out? In, but very shallow
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: My appointment next week!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ready For The Beach

         At least one of will be ready for the beach this summer. Since Quinten is due in early July I knew I needed to get him a bathing suit in at least a 0-3 month size. The problem? They seem to start most suits in 6 months size in all the kids stores I know of. I looked high and low for a swim suit for little man. Baby Gap, Carters, Gymboree, and Children's Place all had nothing. I wanted trunks and a shirt, so that my sweet babies skin is well protected. I searched online and in stores to no avail, and what do you know...? As soon as I stopped looking I stopped in a Crazy 8 store on a whim and found the cutest 0-3 month size swim suit ever! It is 2 pieces, trunks and a SPF 50 shirt. And to make it even cuter, the shirt has a hood with eyes. I could go on and on about this, but I will just show you instead!
Isn't it cute? I just love the frogs! Now if only mommy will be ready to brave putting on a swim suit any time this summer. I think shorts and a tank top may be my beach wear of choice. It is one downfall to having your little one smack dab in the middle of swim suit season. Mental note... only fall or winter babies from now on!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Labor Playlist

   I know it is really early, but I have started compositing a playlist on my Iphone for while I am in labor. With Madison I didn't have any music, and I remember wishing I had something to listen to, so time would pass faster. I have enlisted the help of my hubby, and the list we have so far is pretty humorous. Songs tend to take on whole new meanings when you are going through something like giving birth. We like a wide variety of music so the list includes everything from rock to country to rap. Here is a small taste of what we have. Maybe as my due date gets closer I will post the whole list.

1. Let's Get It Started- Black Eyed Peas
2. If You're Going Through Hell- Rodney Atkins
3. Push It- Salt N Peppa
4. You Shook Me All Night Long- AC/DC
5. Halo- Beyonce
6. Your Song- Elton John
7. Don't Stop Believing- Glee Cast

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Weekly Checkin

       This has been a tough week end for our little family! Daddy has bronchitis, mommy has the flu, and sissy dislocated her arm. After two days in the ER though, we are all home and on the mend. Thank god for good doctors. Has anyone else ever realized that people only seem to get sick on the weekends when doctor's offices are closed? This seems to always be the case for our family.
      Anyways, I can't believe that as of this Tuesday little guy will be "half-baked". I don't know where the past 20 weeks of my pregnancy have gone. I really hope that the next 20 weeks fly by just as fast. Here is a check-in on mama and little man for the past week.

How far along? 19 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes?
Pants: 100%   Tops: Some, but some of my regular tops are still fitting
Stretch marks? No new ones after my pregnancy with sissy
Best moment this week: Daddy feeling little man kick
Sleep: Hasn't been great. Mostly due to being sick
Missing Anything? Margaritas
Movement: Some, until yesterday, when little guy started moving around like crazy.
Food cravings: Fresh fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have the flu, so almost everything.
Gender: Male!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Fatigue, soar back, heartburn
Belly Button in or out? In, but very shallow
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Our birthing classes and hospital tour

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pregnancy Must Haves

    We are almost to the half way mark! It is hard to believe that we will be meeting our little guy in 20 weeks or so. I decided that I would share some of the things that have helped me through this pregnancy so far!
Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee: It is even better if it is vanilla! This is my go to drink in the mornings. Going to school while pregnant is very stressful at times and picking up coffee on my way there is the only thing that motivates me to go some mornings.

Island Margarita Candle: This candle from Bath and Body Works is my all time favorite! It smells amazing, and reminds me of summer during these cold, dull, winter months. Both mommy and Quinten love taking warm baths with candles after a long day. He is always active when I am relaxed in the tub.

OPI Nail Polish: Especially in bright colors! Once again, this is something that lifts my moods in these winter months. Some of my favorite colors right now are Need Sunglasses, No Room For The Blues, Strawberry Margarita, Excuse Moi, and Gargantuan Green Grape.

Vasaline Cocoa Butter: This is what I am using to prevent my skin from drying out, especially on my belly. I love the smell of it, and it leaves me soft, but not greasy.

I am also in love with my body pillow, Smart Water, and Qdoba's burritos. I think that finding things that make your pregnancy fun is really important! All of these things are small but they make me happy, and being happy makes the pregnancy go faster.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be My Valentine

       Tom and I decided to celebrate V-day a day early since I was supposed to work last night, and he doesn't like crowds anyways. We went to my OB appointment, which was just a super quick in and out, then took Maddie to McDonalds for breakfast. Next we went to Babies R Us and added a few things to our registry. One being the bedding I finally decided could work for the theme I want in the nursery.
        Next we went to the mall where my hubby kept asking me what I wanted for Valentines Day. I told him all the things I didn't want instead. No flowers because they die, no candy because I'm not a big sweets person, no clothes because I don't like maternity stuff for the most part, and no shoes (my obsession) because I can't even think about wearing heels right now. He decided to go with a Vera Bradley wallet, which matches the diaper bag he has put away for my b-day. 

       At this point Maddie was ready to go, so we dropped her off at Grandma's and went to my favorite place for dinner. Joe's Crab Shack! Not very romantic, but they just opened one close to us about a month ago, and I have been dying to go there. It is the one place I always insist on going on our Myrtle Beach vacations.
     Yesterday I wound up in the ER again. I passed out at work, and my co-workers forced me to go. My blood pressure was low, and they are sending me to a Cardiologist to make sure it isn't a more serious heart problem. Quinten is fine though, and had a strong heart beat of 150. I am so happy we got to have a nice V-day, and our night in the ER didn't throw off any plans. Today I plan on taking it easy, and trying to clean the house a bit. The Dr. told me not to over do it, but my house could really use some cleaning. If only my hubby and daughter knew how to pick up after themselves. LOL. I love my family but they make the biggest messes of anyone I have ever known.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fun Pregnancy Buys

      Today I got super motivated and cleaned out the closet in Madison's room to make room for some of brother's things. I got super emotional as I put aside her 24 month sized clothes to donate. They are so big! Where did my tiny baby girl go? *Sniff, sniff* After this I looked at her old infant car seat and low and behold, it expires in March. Boo! This lead me to start researching infant car seats with the hubby. After a lot of reading, we decided on the Graco Snugride 30. Thankfully Babies R Us is having their trade in event, so we can take the old car seat in and get 25% off of our new one. (See car seat below)

     After we get our tax money back Tom has promised to get me a present from him to me (not baby). He told me I can get whatever diaper bag I want! Woo hoo! I was going between a Vera Bradley and a Petunia Pickle Bottom bag. I finally chose the Vera Bradley since the outside of it is more neutral. Isn't it pretty? I thought it was sweet of him to want me to have something really nice that is baby related, but still just for me. Much more appreciated then the breast pump he was going to try to pass off as a gift.
      Not baby related at all, but don't you just love tax time? I know I do! It gives us a chance to pay off any debts we may have (this year is our wedding bands and my engagement rings), fix anything we need to on Tom's car (mine is a 2012 so it doesn't need any work), pay all our regular bills, and get to go on a "grown up" date. You know, where you leave the kids with grandma, go out to eat at a nice restaurant where you get to dress up, and don't have to worry about ordering a meal you know won't get eaten off the kids menu. Yea for tax time!

Day Dreams of Nursery Spaces

      The minute I found out I was pregnant I started to imagine what I may do for the nursery. I thought about nautical themes, and gardens, paisley, and all sorts of animals. Once we found out we were having a boy that narrowed down the choices, but I still wasn't sure what to do. Pintrest became my best friend! I looked at tons of nurseries and finally decided on a subdued savanna theme. The colors are sage green, and chocolate brown with animal print elements. I plan to buy him one of those big giraffe stuffed animals to go in the room. The picture below has been my main inspiration, but instead of a tree on the wall I like the decal in the other picture. I am still trying to decide if white furniture is masculine enough. I think it will work. Plus it will keep the room lighter then dark cherry furniture like Maddie has in her room.
           I can not wait to start on little man's nursery! But alas, we are looking to buy a house before he comes so I must hold off. I am super excited to be getting a house though! Not an apartment, or a town house that we will rent, but our own house! Tom and I have looked around our area and found 10 or so houses we think we may like, so now we just have to go see them with a realtor.

Pregnant girl on campus

   What was I thinking when I signed up for classes this semester? Let alone going to school full time! Right now it isn't too bad, but I know by May getting to class will be a major challenge. It seems like no matter how early I get to school the same parking spots, what seems like half a mile away, are left. Not to mention all my classes are pretty intense. I keep telling myself that when I am graduated and working as a medical laboratory technician it will all be worth it. I am doing this for my family, so that I can give my kids a better life. I am still not sure if I will take a semester off after little man is here, but just in case I decide to I didn't want to take this semester off as well. A year out of school is just too long! So, I will press on. I will do my best to stick it out. After all, I am almost half way there!

Future Soccer Star?

         I have been feeling Quinten's little flutters from inside my tummy for a while now! There is nothing better then feeling your little one move around for peace of mind that they are all right in there. Tom even got to feel one, good, strong kick on the night we find out little man was a boy! (You want to talk about icing on the cake.) After that one kick though, Quinten hasn't really been letting daddy feel him too much. Much to my husbands annoyance of course.
       Last night little man decided to tease us a bit! We were laying in bed, and as I was waiting to fall asleep I felt from the outside of my belly, where I had my hands resting, one good, strong kick, It was enough to really surprise me! I told Tom and he put his hands on my belly, trying to get his son to move. After about 2 minutes he didn't feel anything, so he took his hands off. Next thing you know, BAM, there was that same little jab I had felt before. I told daddy, and again he put his hands there. This time as he was about to take them off, he put them back down quickly. Little man felt the pressure of daddy's hands release and jabbed again, but this time daddy caught it. My husband is convinced our son is conspiring against him. Lol!
     Quinten dear, daddy just wants to feel you move so he knows you are ok in there. We have our hands full with this little guy already!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Elective Ultrasound

      For and early Valentine's Day present hubby and I decided to go get an early ultrasound done. This was the best present anyone has ever gotten me! Seeing our baby was amazing, and knowing he was a HE made it even better! He wasn't shy at all and had no problem showing off to mommy, daddy, and sissy. Maddie kept telling the tech "see my sissy" so the tech told her, "No, that is your brother." It was a great moment! I cried and Tom had the best look on his face ever.
       We are really wanting to go back for a 3D ultrasound when it is time. This will be our anniversary present to each other.
      I have been spoiled this pregnancy. I have already had 2 ultrasounds and know I will get 1-2 more. With Maddie I only had 1 done at 21 weeks. It has been really amazing to watch Quinten grow. Plus having lots of pictures of him is nice.

Here is Quinten at 17 weeks

Little guy waiving "Hi" to everyone

Showing off his "stuff"

Crafty Mama

      I don't normally dive head first into crafts but ever since I have found out we are expecting I have been dying to try this DIY project! Have you looked at crib mobiles lately? They are super pricey, and it can be hard to find one that goes with the nursery theme that is evolving in your head (this will be shared in detail in a later post). After failing to find anything that made me happy online I took a trip to AC Moore and got all the things I thought it would take to make my own mobile.
             I bought 6 sheets of scrap booking paper, a bottle of mog-podge, a embroidery hoop, and 2 spools of ribbon.
First I painted the inside circle of the hoop green and set it out to dry. 
After cutting about 100 circles out of the paper I cut ribbon into long strips for the hanging part of the mobile. You sandwich the ribbon between two circles that have been coated in mod-podge on the inside to make them stick together.
 I did 10 ribbons that were staggared about every 2 inches around the circle.
 Each ribbon either had 5 or 6 circles.
Next you hot glue each ribbon to the hoop.
The last step was to take 4 pieces of ribbon and hot glue them to the top of the ring to be hung from the ceiling.
   And that was all there was to it. You can see my finished project below. I am very proud of it!
Another perk to this mobile, it only took about $20 to buy everything I needed! The most time consuming part was cutting the circles, but I did that after Maddie was in bed while I watched The Bachelor.

Almost half way there

     Well, almost half way into my pregnancy I have found the energy to begin the blog I have been meaning to start throughout my entire pregnancy.
I guess I will begin with a quick overview of my pregnancy. I am due July 9th with our second child. It's a boy this time! After going back and forth for a while we have decided that his name will be Quinten. Daddy and sissy are both over the moon excited to have another boy around the house. Daddy was becoming sadly outnumbered.
       We are trying lots of things I didn't get to do when I was pregnant with my daughter. We did an elective ultrasound at 17 weeks to find out the sex of our baby. We were all impatient to see what our little one was. We also signed up for child birthing classes, which I didn't bother to do the first time around. I am entertaining the thought of a med free birth for our little man unlike my medicated birth with my daughter. I didn't like the lack of mobility I had with an epidural. We also may go back for a 3D ultrasound at 34 weeks. I guess it all depends on if we have the money at the time. Lol.
      I am 18 weeks and 2 days today. I keep telling myself that this is almost half way there. It seems that my pregnancy, which was flying by over the holidays, has come to a screeching halt. My morning sickness still isn't completely gone, but has gotten a little better. I feel so different then the last time I was pregnant. I have no energy, and my back is always sore. With my daughter I felt great during my second trimester. That is why I had a feeling this little one was a boy.
        Who is this daughter that I keep referring to you ask? Why it is little, princess Madison! She is two years old and thrilled to be a big sister. She loves to talk to her "brudder" and sing him songs. It is precious. Really she is just like any other two year old. Loves pizza, Dora, Blues Clues, and Bubbles. Hates veggies, bed time, medicine, and having her hair brushed. I just know she is going to be the best big sister ever!
         I promise I will keep this blog up to date with all my pregnancy happenings! This is as much a promise to myself as anyone who happens to be reading. I wish I had written down what happened while I was pregnant with Madison, because I really didn't remember half of the stuff that happened early on in this pregnancy. I guess once our baby is in our arms we block out all the unpleasantness of the past 9 month of pregnancy. This time I won't forget! All the little things that make pregnancy what it is, these are what I want to remember!
Here is our gender announcement for little man.