Thursday, May 31, 2012


    Here is Quinn's side of his and Madison' s shared room. For the first few months he will room in with us, but eventually this is where our little man will sleep. What an exciting thought!

Quinn's bed

changing table/ dresser

      We have also been doing some projects to get ready for the kids. We took a vintage dresser and refinished it planning to use the top as a changing table. It took a lot of work, but was well worth it in the end. Also, I did some wall art with each kid's name and ultrasound picture. They are one of my favorite projects so far!

before and after of the dresser 

 Kid's name wall art

     It feels so good to get the nesting urge to finish the bed room out of my system. Yet on the other hand I miss having things to do. I guess pregnant women just can't win when it comes to nesting!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Beach Day

     Since Madison went to the grandparent's house for the week mommy & daddy decided to go to the beach with friends for Memorial Day. It was a great day for it, and it was nice to be able to enjoy the water without a toddler. My feet got pretty swollen and I got my first real Braxton Hicks from walking around so much on the boardwalk. This made the water even more appealing though! I am glad I got to spend a day with my hubby and our friends before little guy gets here.
     The only bad thing is I am now a lobster. The sunburn hurts so bad I can't even lay down in bed. Apparently SPF 50 every 2 hours isn't enough when you are pregnant.

soaking up the sun!

our little guys name

 mommy & daddy  (33 weeks 6 days)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Baby Shower

        Today was our baby shower and it was awesome! It felt so good to be surrounded by friends and family who are just as excited to meet Quinn as we are.
       We had a more laid back, co-ed BBQ instead of the normal girls only fancy affair. Everybody had a really good time. The theme was baby jungle animals, since that is what Quinn's room is going to be.
      We are so grateful for all the generous gifts we got! Even though I am dreading writing out thank you notes. We got our monitor, gift cards, bath items, diapers & wipes, Tommy's diaper bag, blankets, clothes, and more.
     The only "problem" with our shower being over is now the next thing I have to look forward to is Quinn's delivery. I hope the next 7 weeks fly by!


opening gifts

just some of the gifts we got (from Grandma and Grandpa)

  Some of our guests

Mommy & Daddy
 Maddie practising being a big sister

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Our 1st Anniversary

       One year ago to the day my hubby and I were getting ready to say our "I do's". So, to celebrate we went back to the place we got married (The Gramercy Mansion) and walked around for a bit in their gardens. For every couple who has gotten married there they place an engraved brick along the walkways with the couple's names and wedding date, which I wanted to see. We then went out to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, which is Tom's favorite resteraunt, and got a cheesecake since that is what we had in place of traditional cake at our wedding. The weather was beautiful, unlike the rain we experienced on our weedding day, but rain or shine our wedding was amazing! I told my hubby tonight that in a few years we will need to bring Quinn to Gramercy so he can see where mommy and daddy got married.
Our brick at Gramercy Mansion

Me (32 weeks pregnant) on our 1st wedding anniversary.

Tommy & I on our anniversary at Gramercy.

Our wedding day 5/17/2011

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Checkin

How far along? 31 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 32 lbs
Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or things I have bought in larger sizes to wear specifically during my pregnancy
Stretch marks? A few. Mostly on my thighs.
Best moment this week: Finished thedresser for the kids room
Sleep: I miss getting a good nights sleep!
Missing Anything? Working out
Movement: All the time it seems 
Food cravings: Italian food
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn, rib pain, and swollen fingers and feet mostly
Belly Button in or out? All the way out
Wedding rings on or off? Just my wedding band is on
Happy or Moody most of the time: It depends on the day
Looking forward to: Mothers Day
Baby buys: Hubby got me a glider for Mother's Day